All out steps to control dengue in dists taken up

BARISHAL: District Administration, Barishal City Corporation and voluntary organistions operating drives to prevent mosquito menace in different areas of Barishal yesterday.
BARISHAL: District Administration, Barishal City Corporation and voluntary organistions operating drives to prevent mosquito menace in different areas of Barishal yesterday.
BSS, Gaibandha :
Speakers in a function here on Thursday underscored the need for adopting coordinated and joint efforts of all to check the spread of dengue fever.
They said this while addressing a view exchange meeting on the doings in dengue revention organized by civil surgeon (CS) office and district administration at the conference room of district collectorate building here on Thursday afternoon.
Deputy Commissioner (DC) Abdul Matin addressed the meeting as the chief guest while CS Dr. ABM Abu Hanif presided over the function.
The meeting was also addressed, among others, by deputy director of local government section of DC office Rokhsana Begum, executive engineer of department of public health engineering Aminul Islam Chowdhury, district livestock officer Mohammed Abdus Samad and general secretary of Gaibandha Press Club Sarker M. Shahiduzzaman.
Earlier, a power point presentation of dengue fever, its causes, prevention and treatment was made by senior consultant of Gaibandha Modern Hospital Dr. Ansar Ali.
CS Dr. ABM Abu Hanif said typically, sign and symptoms begin three to seven days after infection from the bites of female aedes mosquitos and this may include high fever, vomiting, muscle and joint pain and skin rash.
Symptoms of dengue hemorrhagic fever or sever dengue are severe abdominal pain, persistent vomiting, bleeding from gums or nose, blood in urine and stools, rapid breathing, fatigue and restlessness, the CS also mentioned.
The CS also urged all to keep their houses and their surrounding areas neat and clean so that the aedes mosquitos could not lay eggs their.
DC Abdul Matin in his speeches called upon all to be alert about aedes mosquitos and emphasized on building social movement against it so that the dengue fever could not breakout. in the society.
Almost all the district level officials, social workers, teachers and public representatives including the media men participated in the meeting.
BSS from Khulna reports: Mayor of Khulna City Corporation (KCC) Talukder Abdul Khaleque has called for adopting coordinated efforts of all to check the spread of dengue.
He said this on Saturday in a views exchange meeting with heads of different educational institutions, social organizations, teachers and public representatives to engage them with the dengue prevention drive in the city.
Khulna DC Md Helal Hossain chaired the meeting held at DC’s conference room while vice-chancellor of Khulna University of Engineering and Technology (KUET) and Khulna Divisional Commissioner Lokman Hossain Mia, spoke among others.
The KCC Mayor emphasized on building social campaign on dengue issue.
He requested head of educational institutions to make the students and guardians aware about the dengue. He urged all to keep their houses and surroundings neat and clean so that the aedes mosquitoes could not lay eggs there.
Meanwhile, Khulna city and district unit of Awami League as part of their dengue prevention campaign has distributed leaflets in the city.
BSS from Rajshahi adds: All the authorities concerned including Rajshahi City Corporation (RCC) and divisional and district administrations have taken all sorts of precautionary measures including cleaning of all possible breeding grounds of Aedes mosquito to prevent any outbreak of dengue in the city and its outskirts.
This was revealed in a high-level coordination meeting held here on Friday afternoon at conference hall of city Bhaban with Mayor of Rajshahi City Corporation AHM Khairuzzaman Liton in the chair.
Commissioner of Rajshahi division Nur-Ur-Rahman, Director of Rajshahi Medical College Hospital (RMCH) Brig Gen Jamilur Rahman, Deputy Commissioner Hamidul Haque, Divisional Director of Health Dr Gopendra Nath Acharya, Additional Commissioner of Rajshahi Metropolitan Police Sujayet Islam and Divisional Deputy Director of Department of Secondary and Higher Education Dr Shormin Ferdous Chowdhury attended the meeting.The meeting discussed and devised various ways and means on how to free
the region from dengue infection.
Brig Gen Rahman said a separate ward has been opened for the dengue patients in RMCH.
Dr Gopendra Nath Acharya told the meeting that a total of 397 dengue patients have, so far, been identified in the division. All of them received treatment and they are now well. However, there is no any death report.
Mayor Liton apprised the meeting that the city corporation health workers and others concerned are making people aware of dengue fever going to their doorsteps.
He also urged the citizens to become more cautious to protect themselves from the dengue infection.
The city corporation has launched a hectic mosquito control and cleanliness drive at its various places aiming at making it free from the dengue infection. In the drive, all possible mosquito breeding places such as drains, bushes and landfills of mosquito are being destroyed.
Liton said the city corporation is conducting special crush programmes for mosquito control and cleanliness. In phases, all the major installations and institutions will be brought under the programme.