Aleppo residents ’10 days from starvation’

Al Jazeera News ;
The inhabitants of besieged eastern Aleppo have fewer than 10 days to receive aid or face starvation and death from a lack of medical supplies, according to the head of the Syria Civil Defence, or White Helmets.
The volunteer group, which works in opposition-held territory and has rescued thousands of people from buildings bombed in the civil war, is also running out of basic equipment from lorries to diesel and gas masks.
“You cannot imagine how the situation is,” Raed al-Saleh told Reuters news agency.
Saleh was in Stockholm to receive the Right Livelihood Award, known as Sweden’s Alternative Nobel Prize.
“Doctors and the rescue workers in Aleppo are just using what’s left of the equipment after bombardments to do whatever they can do,” Saleh said. Anti-government fighters in the eastern part of Aleppo city have agreed to a United Nations plan for aid delivery and medical evacuations, but the UN is awaiting a green light from Russia and the Syrian government, Jan Egeland, the UN humanitarian adviser, said on Thursday.
With freezing winter conditions setting in, about 275,000 people are trapped in eastern Aleppo, where the last UN food rations were distributed on November 13. Saleh said doctors were so short of supplies that they were resorting to making life and death decisions over who receives surgery.
“They cannot accept everyone … There are not enough materials and not enough doctors,” he said.
Saleh said the White Helmets had lost 50 percent of their equipment in the past two months. “We have consumed all the stock of first aid kits in our centres and we have consumed all our stock of gas masks,” he said. “We are concerned that within 10 days we may consume all our remaining stock of diesel which is required for the ambulances and the trucks to move.” There has been, heavy, continuous and violent shelling on neighborhoods in eastern Aleppo in the last 10 days.