AL tries to legitimate fake polls: BNP

Staff Reporter :
The BNP on Sunday accused the Awami League of trying to legitimate fake election by celebrating it.
“The government is doing ridiculous activities to legitimise the fake election after vote rigging. It has celebrated its so-called victory at the cost of people’s money,” said BNP Senior Joint-Secretary General Ruhul Kabir Rizvi in a press briefing at its Nayapaltan office.
Rizvi said, the people of the country have rejected AL’s ‘so-called’ election triumph boycotting their victory celebration.
He said, “AL failed to fill Suhrawardy Udyan although hired people from across the country on that day.”
He said that the people were deprived of franchise their voting rights on December 30.
“The AL has snatched their voting right. Yet the party on Saturday, expressed its gratitude to the people for casting vote spontaneously to make them victorious.
People cannot understand whether they will laugh or cry hearing such words,” the BNP leader said.
Rizvi said, “Such words are nothing but mockery with people as they are aggrieved, speechless and depressed.”
“It is not people but law enforcers who cast votes overnight before the election day to make AL victorious. So, AL should express its gratefulness to the law enforces,” Rizvi said.