AL cyber team to counter propaganda


The cyber team of the ruling Awami League has been strengthened to highlight the development activities of the government and spirit of the Liberation War as well as prevent propaganda of a vested quarter. Although many ministers, legislators and leaders of different tiers in the party were not active in social online communication media earlier they have become active now, party sources said.
They said they have now been giving online replies to the propaganda against the ruling party. They have also been coming up with remarks and highlighting the development activities of the government with photos.
Some Awami League (AL) leaders said that the BNP- Jamaat combine and an extremist group have been spreading provocative information in the social communication media since the beginning of the war crimes trial.
A central leader said, “We should strengthen our stance in this regard in the virtual publicity. With this aim in view, our party’s cyber team has been strengthened. Alongside, appropriate replies are being given to the provocative propaganda against the party and the government giving priority to our party’s publicity and publication affairs.”
With a view to providing increased internet facilities, a network tower has been installed at the political office of Awami League president Sheikh Hasina at Dhanmondi in the capital where an information centre has been set up while an information cell and a cyber team have been constituted.
The ruling party has already put into operation its website
(, joined YouTube (http:/ and opened a facebook account ( with a view to gearing up party’s publicity and let the people know about party activities and receive their views. AL publicity and publication affairs secretary Dr Hasan Mahmud told this correspondent that the party’s cyber team has been constituted with a number of young meritorious students of Chhatra League who have been working since November last year (2013).
He said on behalf of the party, the cyber team has been working particularly against the propaganda carried out in different blogs including social communication media facebook, twitter and YouTube.
Besides, Dr Mahmud said the Awami League’s cyber team has been making an information bank with collection of different newspapers, books, various video footage and photographs.
