AL attacked campaign, claims Noakhali BNP candidate


UNB, Noakhali :
The BNP candidate for Noakhali-6 constituency on Friday accused Awami League activists of attacking his supporters the previous night.
Fazlul Azim requested protection from the Election Commission for himself and his supporters at a media briefing at Noakhali press club. He urged the administration to recover illegal firearms and arrest criminals before the December 30 election.
“Armed supporters of Awami League candidate Ayesha Ferdous attacked us on Thursday night after a road rally. They vandalised 11 vehicles and snatched cameras of journalists,” Azim claimed.
But Ayesha rejected the allegation and accused the BNP aspirant of holding rallies with armed miscreants and delivering provocative speeches. “My supporters did not attack anyone. Azim’s followers attacked my office and assaulted my activists,” she said.
Noakhali police chief Md Ilias Sharif said supporters of the two parties fought running battles after the BNP aspirant made provocative remarks. “But I am unaware if anyone had been injured,” he said.
