AI use may increase 15-20pc RMG productivity


Al Amin :
The uses of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology in the country’s readymade garments (RMG) sector may increase productivity upto 15 to 20 per cent, the sector insiders said.
The introduction of AI will also reduce cutting wastage rate five to seven per cent and the standard of the finished goods will also be developed further, they said.
The uses of the technology is very important for sustainable export growth and future of the sector as the competitors–China and Vietnam– have already started using the AI system to reduce cutting wastage, they said.
In Bangladesh, the fabric cutting waste rate in RMG sector has recently been increased to 29 per cent from 27 per cent and is awaited for implementation.
But the AI can enable accurate performance during cutting, spreading and sewing, when it comes to garment manufacturing.
Some entrepreneurs, however, fear of huge job cut in the industry for introducing the AI and following this the inclination of the entrepreneurs towards technology is almost zero, although the use of modern technology has started in the industry.
The owners are also slower than the competitors in ensuring maximum utilization of advanced technology in developing overall skills of the workers of the sector.
The leaders of the Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) said the introduction of the AI will be possible after installation of the ‘Innovation Centre’ for the member factories.
Faisal Samad, Director of BGMEA, told The New Nation on Monday, “The AI technology or automation will reduce cost of doing business. Around 30 per cent of our member factories have already been automated and the rest are trying to shifting.”
“For using the advanced technology, huge investment is needed primarily. It is the main barrier. However, the cost will recover through high productivity,” Faisal, also Director of Surma Garments Ltd, said.
AI’s powerful vision and image recognition system can easily help in identifying and grading textile fibres. Identification of fabric defects can be done much faster and more accurately using AI.
In terms of the most important element of design, AI can enable an accurate prediction of dye recipe, process control during dyeing, automated dispensing of dyes and even in final colour evaluation.
Computer Aided Design (CAD) and patternmaking, production planning and control, shop floor control systems-all these can be performed at a much higher level of productivity and accuracy with AI technology. On the buying side, AI can help predict trends and customer preferences.
“It is possible to increase productivity of the finished goods by 15-20 per cent, If AI technology can be implemented and cutting wastage to be reduced by five to seven per cent,” said Fazlee Shamim Ehsan, Vice-President of the Bangladesh Knitwear Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BKMEA).
“It will also help to develop the standard of the finished goods of the apparel sector,” Shamim, Owner of Fatullah Apparels, said.
The world is moving fast towards technological advancement and we to must not miss the opportunity he said.
