Agriculture Minister Motia Chowdhury MP delivering her speech as chief guest on Sunday in the occasion of giving life time achievement to four scientists for their contribution to BCSIR. The scientist are; Syed Fazle Rabbi, Dr Abdul Khalek, Dr Shamim Jahangir Ahmed and Dr Md Kabirullah. BCSIR president Faruk Ahmed was present in the occasion among others.

Agriculture Minister Motia Chowdhury MP delivering her speech as chief guest on Sunday in the occasion of giving life time achievement to four scientists for their contribution to BCSIR. The scientist are; Syed Fazle Rabbi, Dr Abdul Khalek, Dr Shamim Jaha
Agriculture Minister Motia Chowdhury MP delivering her speech as chief guest on Sunday in the occasion of giving life time achievement to four scientists for their contribution to BCSIR. The scientist are; Syed Fazle Rabbi, Dr Abdul Khalek, Dr Shamim Jaha