Afroza, supporters come under ‘attack’ yet again

BNP candidate for Dhaka-9 Seat Afroza Abbas' election campaign in Mugda (Maniknagar) area came under attack allegedly by some Awami League activists in presence of law enforcers on Sunday.
BNP candidate for Dhaka-9 Seat Afroza Abbas' election campaign in Mugda (Maniknagar) area came under attack allegedly by some Awami League activists in presence of law enforcers on Sunday.
UNB, Dhaka :
BNP candidate for Dhaka-9 constituency Afroza Abbas and her supporters came under attack again on Sunday allegedly by Awami League activists while conducting electioneering in the city’s Maniknagar area, leaving an unspecific number of people, including some journalists, injured.
Talking to reporters at her Shahjahanpur residence in the afternoon, Afroza said she along with her supports was going to Mugdha’s Maniknagar in a procession around 1pm to conduct electioneering.
“As our procession reached Maniknagar crossing, a group of ruling party men, led by local Swechchasebak League leader Thunda Babu, swopped on us and bet my supporters and journalists with rods and sticks,” she said.
The BNP candidate said a photojournalist, Haider Ali, was injured seriously as the attackers beat him mercilessly.
She also claimed the attack left around 100 of her supporters injured.
Afroza said she was forced to return home halting her campaign following the attack.
She said she will lodge a complaint with the Election Commission in this regard as she could identify most of the attackers.
On December 18, ruling party men reportedly attacked Afroza and her supporters during their electioneering in the city’s Khilgaon area.
On December 12, Afroza’s campaign convoy came under attack twice at Kamalapur and Madartek in the city by ruling party followers.