Admission Business of Chhatra League


BANGLADESH Chhatra League (BCL) activists went on a vandalism spree in support of their “Admission Business” into numerous colleges countrywide including the capital. Educational institutions are supposed to admit students on the basis of their merits, while BCL activists want students to be admitted in exchange of “commission” paid to them. Several allegations are coming from big colleges like Azizul Haq College in Bogra, Narayanganj Women’s College, Kabi Nazrul Government College in Dhaka, City College in Rajshahi, Mominunnesa College in Mymensingh and numerous others. Allegations have it that even up to 50 thousand taka is taken from students to admit them illegally. If their demand is not met they go on rampaging, vandalizing college campuses and harassing authorities.Few days ago, BCL pressurized the Dhaka College authorities into admitting some students who are enlisted at the end of the waiting lists. As their political muscle failed to work out in this case, the BCL activists ransacked the Principal’s room. It is worth recalling that after the installation of online admission process, education minister Nurul Islam Nahid had said that, an era has ended, from now none can interfere with the admission process. But, his party’s student wing has hitherto proved him wrong. From 1st July admission with late fees has been started across the country. A Bengali newspaper has reported that BCL has taken over the overall process from that day. There are 217 government colleges in the country and most of these principals are appointed on the basis of political allegiance. So BCL can comfortably collude with college administrations in most of these colleges. For an outsider, who doesn’t know much about our politics, it’s utterly inconceivable that BCL plays a role in the admission process of government colleges. But, unfortunately it is the reality in the ground. First, Chhatra League should not have anything to do with the admission process whatsoever. Secondly, if any member of the organization interrupts the admission process then it is the duty of the parent political organization to punish him. Thirdly, the college authorities should have punished the miscreants investigating the incident; but they did not do that. Fourthly, even police and local administration did not take any action against them. It seems like BCL can do whatever they want without any hindrances. Chhatra League has been carrying on the admission business when the examination system has become very feeble and question leaks have become prevalent in this period of the ruling government. So, to sum up, in the reign of Nurul Islam Nahid and BCL our education system is on the verge of collapse. Either we have to get rid of the bad guys or we will be rid of quality education.
