Adequate supply, price soar

Staff Reporter :
The supply of watermelon, a summer fruit, is now available in different markets of capital city Dhaka. But these are still out of general consumers’ reach because of their soaring prices. A ripe and medium-size watermelon is being sold at Tk. 130 to Tk. 150.
The shops of city fruit markets are now flooded with watermelons, but the number of buyers is thin. Shoppers said this year supply of this fruit in city markets is adequate. The watermelons arrive in the city from Cox’s Bazar,
 Rangamati, Natore and some other parts of the country due to relax mood of the hartal.
Besides, the farmers have also produced a bumper yield of watermelons this year. The people of the sandy lands of coastal islands are getting encouraged to cultivate watermelon, as the popular summer fruit brings more profit than other traditional crops. This photo was taken from Sadarghat area in the city on Thursday.