Adequate knowledge on exports procedures stressed

Rangpur correspondent :
Experts at a seminar here have called upon the exporters for acquiring adequate knowledge on export procedures, related international laws, rules and regulations for boosting exports.
They also stressed on boosting production and intensifying export of quality goods to reduce the gap between export and import and urged the exporters for expanding export trade in making a stronger economy through bolstering foreign currency reserve.
Rajshahi Regional Office of the Export Promotion Bureau (EPB) organised the seminar on ‘Getting Ready for Exports: A Broad Overview of the Export Procedures for the Beginners’ under the National Export Training Programme (NETP).
Rangpur Chamber of Commerce and Industries (RCCI) extended necessary cooperation in arranging the daylong seminar at its conference room in the city on Thursday.
Chaired by RCCI President Md Abul Kashem, Additional Divisional Commissioner (General) Minu Sheel attended the seminar as the chief guest.