Activities on to remove waterlogging of arable land in Tarash

Our Correspondent :
Activities are going to be implemented with the intervention of the Member of Parliament to remove the water blockage of 5,000 bighas of cultivable land in Tarash of Sirajganj. In a meeting at Mathurapur Bazar of Sadar Union of the upazila on Friday afternoon, Prof. Dr. Md. Abdul Aziz MP said, The canal will be dug within the next 15 days to drain the water. With the overall cooperation of the Water Development Board, a 15 feet wide canal will be dug to drain the water so that the crop of 5,000 bighas of cultivable land comes to the house of the farmer.
Not only this, action will be taken against those who will cut the crop land and build ponds. Were present Chairman of the Upazila Parishad Principal Moniruzzaman Moni, President of the Upazila Awami League Md. Abdul Haque and others? It is to be noted that due to illegal digging of ponds in East Tarash, about 5,000 bighas of land have been uncultivated for a long time and the farmers are living in extreme despair. Local Awami League leader Mir Shahidul Islam and Krishka League leader Yunus Tarashi also started the Krishak Bachao movement to save the farmers from the clutches of those land grabbers.