Action to be taken against NSU: Nasim

UNB, Dhaka :
As its two students had involvement in recent terror attacks at Gulshan café and Sholakia, Health Minister Mohammad Nasim on Sunday questioned about the education system of North South University and warned that action will be taken against this private university.
“What is actually being taught in the North South University? Whether they are teaching how to kill?
Action must be taken against it,” he said. Nasim, also an Awami League presidium member, came up with the remarks at an extended meeting of the party’s Dhaka city south and north units at its Bangabandhu Avenue office.
Nibras Islam, killed in law enforcers’ commando operation at Gulshan’s Holey Artisan Bakery on July 1, was a student of North South University. He along with some other terrorists killed 20 hostages and two law enforcers attacking the café.
Abir Rahman, 22, killed in police firing after attacking a checkpost at Sholakia eidgah in Kishoreganj on July 7, was also a student of North South University.
Nasim said, the terrorists are not only denting the country’s image by killing innocent people, but also conspiring to oust the government.
“The terrorists are killing people wearing cap and panjabi. What kind of religion it is! The defeated forces of 1971 are carrying out the incidents in the name of religion,” he observed.
He emphasised making anti-terrorism committees involving people from all walks of life, including imams and teachers, at every locality as per the direction of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.