ACHR against BD in UN peace-keeping

block :The Asian Centre of Human Rights, who campaigned for release of right-wing activist Adilur Rahman Khan and missed no chance to run down Bangladesh, has now started a vicious campaign to reduce the nation’s contribution to UN peace-keeping.Its report titled ‘Bangladesh: Sending Death Squads To Keep the UN’s Peace’, which ACHR claims is the “first ever comprehensive study” on the issue , was released Thursday to coincide with the ongoing visit of UN’s Under Secretary General for Department of Peacekeeping Operations Hervé Ladsous to Bangladesh from July 22.It said, that Bangladesh is “sending its death squads to keep peace” for the United Nations.The report claimed that the troops being sent for UN peacekeeping missions include the Bangladesh Army personnel posted in the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHTs) and the Rapid Action Battalion (RAB), which has been declared as ineligible to receive technical assistance from the United States under the Leahy Law because of its personnel being involved in gross human rights violations with impunity.It says that between 2004 and 2011, the Bangladesh Army personnel were responsible for 15 cases of extrajudicial killings, 464 cases of arbitrary arrest, 374 cases of torture and 285 cases of forcible evictions in addition to burning down of 1,070 houses of indigenous tribal peoples of the CHT.
