ACC gets increased allocation to fight against graft

UNB, Dhaka :
The government has raised allocation for the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) in the proposed budget for 2018-2019 fiscal to enhance its capability to deal with graft.
Finance Minister AMA Muhith earmarked Tk 117 crore for the ACC while placing the new national budget in Parliament.
The allocation is 23 crore more than the last year as it was 94 crore for the graft watchdog in the revised budget of 2017-2018 fiscal.
In his budget speech, the minister stressed the need for creating awareness among people to strengthen the fight against corruption.
“We’ve continued our efforts to free the country from all forms of corruptions gradually. Alongside usual legal proceedings of the Anti-Corruption Commission, emphasis is being laid on creating mass awareness and building the future generation with an anti-corruption
Stance,” he observed.
Besides, Muhith said by using ICT as well as enhancing people’s participation, the government is narrowing the scope of resorting to corrupt practices.