ACC clears 1500 from allegations


Staff Reporter :
The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) cleared about 1,500 people from 1,204 allegations in the last eight months, as it did not find credible evidence against them, source said.
They are politicians, businessmen and bureaucrats, among others.
Some 1,204 complaints were disposed of in the current year and clean certificates were given.
Of those, 304 allegations were disposed of after submission of final inquiry reports to the Commission, for which about 700 alleged accused received clean certificates.
The Commission relieved hundreds of suspected accused from charges in 2012 and 2013, numbering 1,047 and 1,624 respectively.
ACC Chairman M Badiuzzaman said, the Commission relieved the suspects from the complaints because it did not find reality in the allegations against them.
The Commission does not consider personal identity to take any decision about one, he added.
