About Rohingya children`s bleak future


FOLLOWING numerable foreign dignitaries, ministers, bureaucrats, Nobel laureates and the Pope – a Bollywood celebrity visited the Rohingya camps commenting that the future of Rohingya children is deeply uncertain. The Indian actress and UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Priyanka Chopra said Rohingya children can have a chance in the future only with help from all quarters, because right now, according to her, their future is bleak. We, however, are in complete agreement with her opinion.
For countless Rohingya children, the traumatised psyche has left them scarred and speechless, and unquestionably the memories full of horror would remain for the rest of their lives. That said – words of sympathy, deeper inner feelings and emotional outbursts are all there – reality speaks a different story. Little is being done for ensuring education and the wellbeing of these children. More than 300,000 displaced children have been living in cramped conditions. Many have become prone to child-trafficking and even more are suffering from malnutrition. These crucial issues must be addressed immediately.
These children are at the forefront of the ongoing humanitarian crisis, and they desperately need assistance. In fact, the entire world needs to shoulder responsibility with Bangladesh. They are the world’s future and as they finally start to settle and feel a sense of safety, the destructive monsoon looms large, threatening to destroy all that they’ve built over the last 8-9 months.
On her Facebook page, Priyanka Chopra posted that she would visit the Rohingya refugee camps, and that she would share her experiences on social media networks and Instagram regularly. She also said that the whole world should be concerned about the Rohingya crisis. We believe her regular posts for conveying a horrible truth to the rest of the world could significantly contribute to bring the members of the entertainment world under a single banner – so to force Myanmar to acknowledge its crimes and repatriate them with full citizenship rights.
It may sound utterly depressing – this is an entire generation of children that have no future in sight. We want more and more members from the glitz and the glamour world to come and experience what has been deliberately done to a minority helpless Muslim community in Myanmar.
