Abdul Awal selected best college teacher in Mymensingh Divn


Gafargaon (Mymensingh) Correspondent :
Md. Abdul Awal Shekh, Assistant Professor of Altaf Golandaz Degree College at Gafargaon , has been elected the best college teacher in Mymensingh Division.
He was born at SuterChapur village ,of Neguari ,at Gafargaon under Mymensingh district. His father was late Suban Shekh and mother ; Sahar Banu. His wife is Taslima Akter a housewife. He is a father of two children. He obtained SSC from Saidur Rahman Neguari High School He also obtained HSC from Sreepur Degree college . He also obtained his Hons and MSC in Mathematics from Jahangirnagar University. He obtained M-Phil from JahangirNagar University in 2013.and a Fellow of PhD. (Math) in Jahangirnagar University . He works in the field of Completation Fluid Dynamics . He is the Author of one International Journal and participant of three International Seminar. He is a science researcher. He has much contribution to mathematics for the welfare of the students. He wants to work with Math.
He joined at Altaf Golandaz Degree College in 1995. Late Altaf Hossain Golandaz Tree times MP and one time Upazila chairman established this college only with his own effort and his own land . He was also an educationist, politician and social reformer. He always thought of doing good for the people of Gafargaon
