A.K.M. Kamal Uddin, Head of Corporate Banking of NRB Bank Limited and Md. Hossain Patwary, Director (Finance) of Bangladesh Rural Electrification Board, exchanging documents after signing an agreement at the Electrification Board on Sunday. From now NRB Bank Agent Outlets will be able to collect Palli Biddut Bills all over the country.

A.K.M. Kamal Uddin, Head of Corporate Banking of NRB Bank Limited and Md. Hossain Patwary, Director (Finance) of Bangladesh Rural Electrification Board, exchanging documents after signing an agreement at the Electrification Board on Sunday. From now NRB B
A.K.M. Kamal Uddin, Head of Corporate Banking of NRB Bank Limited and Md. Hossain Patwary, Director (Finance) of Bangladesh Rural Electrification Board, exchanging documents after signing an agreement at the Electrification Board on Sunday. From now NRB B