A Divine warning and Mr. Trump`s `Goebbels`

AGAINST the backdrop of a most disbelieving sworn-in ceremony in the US, a series of controversial executive orders while millions taking to the streets, now it’s Pope Francis who has warned against the rise of populist leaders in the likes of Adolf Hitler. Not to mention whom he meant. During an interview to a Spanish newspaper, the Pontiff condemned the use of walls and barbed wire to keep foreigners out, but then again it’s still too early to comment on how the world would shape under Mr. Trump’s administration.

While talking on political leadership the leader of the Catholic Church expressed his gravest concerns over the rise of populism in America and Europe by saying — people should not repeat the same mistakes as in the 1930s, when they turned to so-called “saviours” to resolve economic and political crises only to end up at war. However, with Mr. Trump at office the centuries old saying of wisdom is echoing again – If we do not learn from the mistakes of history, we are doomed to repeat them. Regrettably, following Brexit and Mr. Trump’s unanticipated victory the world is quick heading to that gloomy direction. It has become day light clear with the new US administration of handling the press.

Needs mentioning, that during the first weeks of 1933, the Nazi regime deployed the radio, press and newsreels to capitalise on popular anxieties to extreme political measures to eradicate civil liberties and democracy in the then Germany. Barely four days in office and Mr. Trump is alarmingly sending the same signals. He not only stopped by branding journalists as liars. For him, even if a journalist has ample photographic and video evidence to back up a story, he will still be called a liar. The Trump press secretary Sean Spicer has gone even further behaving in a clear authoritarian manner – Facing the press he seems to be audacious, vague at times and not answering any questions while leaving the press conferences impolitely.


The new White House Press Chief used his first news conference to slam the inauguration reports as inaccurate. According to him, “Friday’s was the largest audience to ever witness a presidential inauguration – both in person and around the globe.” Attempts to recycle a blatant lie, so to establish it as truth has become evident.

The truth is – ‘Trumpisation’ of the US media, in some capacity has begun. We have faith in the strength of democracy in America. The new President of the United States will have to learn that it is the accountability of the government that has made America a great leader of free world. President Trump deserves a chance. But the whole world is worried that with no experience in governance as the President of the most powerful country how soon he will be able to learn that there is no simple solution to international issues to be solved unilaterally.
