A day long workshop on national integrity strategy held at the vice chancellor meeting hall on Thursday to implement it in the planning procedure in the university. Professor Dr. Syed Humayun Akhter vice chancellor of the university was chief guest in the workshop. Treasurer Prof. Mostafa Azad Kamal presided over the workshop and conducted the workshop. A total of 77 teachers officers took part in the workshop among which are dean, directors were present. 12 regional director took part in the workshop virtually.

A day long workshop on national integrity strategy held at the vice chancellor meeting hall on Thursday to implement it in the planning procedure in the university. Professor Dr. Syed Humayun Akhter vice chancellor of the university was chief guest in the
A day long workshop on national integrity strategy held at the vice chancellor meeting hall on Thursday to implement it in the planning procedure in the university. Professor Dr. Syed Humayun Akhter vice chancellor of the university was chief guest in the