9 members of fraud gang arrested

Staff Reporter :
Rapid Action Battalion teams (RAB) have arrested at least nine members of fraud gangs in the city and Madaripur district.
The drive began from Saturday morning and continued till Sunday morning (24-hour), said Additional DIG Mozammel Haque, Commander of RAB-4 in a press briefing held at RAB media centre in the city on Sunday.
The gang members are Mintu Khan 34, Rakib Khan, 34, Jamal Sheikh, 42, Rabiul Islam, 32, Sohel Hawlader, 26, Shamim Khan, 19, Billal Khan, 35, Abdul Momin, 28, and Rabbi Hossain, 24.
They used to collect toll from the people since 2006 threatening them and had many SIMs to evade police and RAB after crimes.
The gang generally destroyed the SIMs after using once for their safety, DIG added.
 The elite force also seized a mobile phone set, SIM cards and two pistols from the spot.