88,022 Covid-19 patients recover in Ctg


BSS, Chattogram :
The number of recovered Covid-19 patients reached 88,022 with the healing of 67 more people on Friday raising the average recovery rate to 85.94 percent in the district.
Health officials said the recovery rate of the Covid-19 patients continues rising amid sharply declining number of casualties and positivity rate during the last few months in the district.
“Meanwhile, the number of Covid-19 cases reached 102,202 with the diagnosis of eight fresh cases on Friday in the district,” Focal person of the Covid-19 here Civil Surgeon Dr Ilias Chowdhury told BSS.
Eight fresh Covid-19 cases were diagnosed after testing 1,779 samples. The positivity rate was 0.45 percent in the district on Friday.
“The number of casualties rose to 1,323 as one new death case was reported in the district during the last 24 hours ending at 8 am today,” he said.
“Common people should sincerely abide by the health directives to prevent further spread of the deadly virus despite an improving trend of Covid-19 situation in the district,” he added.
A total of 1,505 infected patients are now undergoing treatment at different designated hospitals here.
