80 pc voters turnout in polls: CEC

Nothing happened to be ashamed: No scope for new election


Noman Mosharef :
The Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) KM Nurul Huda has said that 80 per cent voters exercised their franchise in the 11th general election held on December 30, 2018.
The CEC disclosed it in a press briefing organised in the Election Commission Office, Agargaon on Monday afternoon.
Four election commissioners and EC Secretary Helal Uddin Ahmed were present on the occasion.
“We thank the law enforcement agencies, the police, the RAB, the army, the BGB, and other forces for assisting us to hold the polls,” he added.
When asked how did a candidate get 400,000 votes and his opponent 400, the CEC said, “That is how did the people cast their votes. The media reported no anomalies.”
“We hope the government will take us forward,” he further said.
He stressed that voters across the country voted in a festive and fair environment.
However, he said, voting in 16 polling centers of the country had been suspended due to various reasons.
“We also convey our deepest sympathies to the families of the 14 people who died in election violence,” he added.
“A total of 104.1 million, about 80% of the total voters, exercised their voting right on Sunday,” said the CEC.
He added, “Sunday’s election got the approval from both the local and the foreign media and election observers. We are satisfied with how things have transpired.”
When asked about the irregularities during the voting, he said: “We do not regret that. We are happy with the turn out. We are not discontent. Media reports as well as local and foreign election observers have described the polls as acceptable. And certainly we are not ashamed, if anyone has any objection, they should file a complaint with us. We will definitely look into that.”
Regarding Jatiya Oikyafront’s demand for a re-election, CEC Huda said, “There will be no re-election. Sunday’s election was very credible and people are quite satisfied about it. There is nothing else to do about their demand.”
