8 things to discard from wardrobe

Life Desk :
As much as girls love their wardrobes – they fail to discard clothes and accessories that have become old and unusable. Here are a few things one should throw out of their closet in order to keep it more organized…
Worn out footwear: Yes, we agree you spent a lot of time and energy buying that favourite pair of ballerina shoes that you wear with almost every other outfit. But one can’t use it for years even after they’ve become old and worn out. It is time to buy new shoes.
Faded clothes: We know you love your black dress, but one must consciously decide to discard faded black outfits as and when they become old. This rule does not apply to just black, but also any other coloured outfit that has faded. Also, discard stained clothes that cannot be fixed.
Old/torn denims: Old or torn denims do make a style statement. But if your high-school denim looks way too old and torn out of proportion, then discard it.
Oversized clothes: No doubt loose clothes are still in fashion. However, girls fail to understand the difference between loose and oversized outfits. You cannot wear something that makes you look like your floating in the air. Oversized clothes, especially those big anarkalis and salwar suits, should be given away.
Identical outfits: If you bought a dress that looks just like the one you picked during last Christmas, it is time you got rid of the one that has become old. Just because you like a pattern or a design, it doesn’t mean that you must have them in different colours in your wardrobe. Remember to experiment with fashion.
Discoloured white tops: It is summer and women love to wear white tops. But make sure you don’t choose an old white dress that looks discoloured now. If you think your white outfit is losing its sheen, it means it is time to buy new white outfi
Clothes that don’t fit you anymore: So, you’ve been trying to lose weight for the last 10 years to wear that figure-hugging dress that you bought during your slim days. If you still haven’t managed to lose weight, get over it and buy something that fits your figure now.
Old lingerie: To keep your personal hygiene intact, it is important to buy new lingerie once every few months. And that simply means discard the old ones.