8-day long Extra Curricular Fest-2016 begins at BUBT


Staff Reporter :
An eight-day long Extra Curricular Fest-2016 began at Bangladesh University of Business and Technology (BUBT) on Saturday.
Vice-Chancellor of BUBT Professor Md Abu Saleh inaugurated the function in its permanent campus in Rupnagar.
Associate Professor of BUBT Md Sabbir Ahmed conducted the function while Member Secretary of Extra Curricular Fest-2016 and Assistant Professor of BUBT Md Abdullah Al Azad and Joint-Convener of the fest A H M Azmal Hossain, spoke there, among others.
BUBT Cultural Club, Photography Club, Debate Club, Sports Club, IT Club, Rover Scout Club, Blood Donors Society and EEE Club have chalked out various programmes with a view to making the function success.
Vice-Chancellor of BUBT Professor Md Abu Saleh said, the BUBT has been plying important role in building nation activities since its establishment. The teachers and students of the University give attention in academic activities as well as extracurricular activities.
