7th March Speech to be translated into small-ethnic group’s languages


Minister for Chattogram Hill Tracts (CHT) Affairs Bir Bahadur Ushwe Sing said the historic 7th March speech of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman will be translated into Chakma, Marma and Tripura languages on the occasion of ‘Mujib Year’.
The minister revealed the information on Tuesday at a preparatory meeting of the ministry of CHT Affairs and all government agencies under the concerned ministries as the chief guest at his secretariat office here on the occasion of birth centenary of Bangabandhu.
Along with aforesaid languages, the English and Bengali versions of the historic 7th March speech of Bangabandhu will also be available during the ‘Mujib Year’, the minister said.
The CHT Affairs Ministry has taken various programs throughout the year to mark the Mujib Year, he said, adding that the programmes include planting of five lakh trees in three hill districts, organizing Bangabandhu Parbatya Mela, mountaineering in an unnamed range in the Himalayan province and naming it after Bangabandhu.
The ministry has also taken programmes of the inauguration of the 71 foot-high Bangabandhu Mural at Betbunia satellite center of Rangamati, ‘Tour-De CHT Mountain Biking’ and making a smart village on CHT areas, he added.
In the light of the national programme marking the birth centenary, he said, the Chattogram Hill Tracts Regional Council under the CHT ministry and three Hill District Councils-Rangamati, Bandarban and Khagrachari-will organize seminars, cultural events, art and sports competitions on the Bangabandhu’s life and works.
Secretary of CHT Affairs Ministry Md Mesbahul Islam presided over the meeting while concerned ministry’s Additional Secretary Sudatta Chakma and senior officials of the three hilly district councils were also present, among others, on the occasion.
