700 trapped in Syrian Kurdish town: UN


BBC Online :The UN special envoy to Syria has warned that up to 700 people, mainly elderly, are still trapped in the Syrian border town of Kobane.Staffan de Mistura also urged Turkey to allow in volunteers to Syria to defend the town from Islamic State militants.There are reports that IS has taken control of the Kurdish headquarters in the town, but this has been denied by a Syrian Kurdish official there. Kobane has been a major battleground for IS and the Kurds for three weeks.The fighting has forced hundreds of thousands of Syrians, mainly Kurds, to flee into neighbouring Turkey, which has so far ruled out any ground operation on its own against IS.Kurdish forces, who are being helped by US-led coalition strikes against IS, say they urgently need more weapons and ammunition to push back the militants’ advance in the town.Except for one narrow entry and exit point, de Mistura said Kobane was “literally surrounded” by IS, with hundreds of mainly elderly civilians still inside the city centre and another 10-13,000 gathered nearby, AFP reports.He said the civilians would “most likely massacred” if the town fell to IS, warning that the UN did not want to see another Srebrenica – where thousands of Muslim men and boys were killed by Bosnian Serb forces in 1995 during the Bosnian conflict.”We would like to appeal to the Turkish authorities in order to allow the flow of volunteers at least, and their equipment to be able to enter the city to contribute to a self-defence operation,” de Mistura said, addressing reporters in Geneva on Friday.He also urged Turkey to support the US-led coalition in carrying out air strikes on IS targets around Kobane “through whatever means from their own territory”.But the vice chairman of Turkey’s governing AK party, Yasin Aktay, told the BBC on Friday that all of Kobane’s civilians had left the town and were already in Turkey.”There is no tragedy in Kobane as cried out by the terrorist PKK [Kurdistan Workers’ Party]”, he said. “There is a war between two terrorist groups.”Turkey is reluctant to get involved militarily, partly because it is concerned about arming the Kurdish forces who are fighting the IS militants. Turkey fought a long civil war with its Kurdish minority.A Syrian Kurdish source inside Kobane has denied reports that IS has taken almost complete control of the town’s “security quarter” – where the Kurdish civilian headquarters are based.The source told the BBC that Kurdish fighters remained in control of two administrative buildings in the east of the town, saying that “heavy fighting has reached the ‘security quarter’ but it has not fallen yet”.Earlier, the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the jihadists had seized the main headquarters of the Kurdish military and civilian authorities.
