70 Nobel Laureates `Strongly and Fully` Back Hillary Clinton


The Huffington Post :
The Clinton camp has made climate change a key issue in the 2016 election, calling the phenomenon an “urgent threat” to the world.
Seventy winners of the Nobel Prize have endorsed Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton for president, saying she will “support and advance policies that will enable science and technology to flourish.”
The group of laureates, representing a range of scientific disciplines, released an open letter on Tuesday warning of the “profound consequences” of next month’s election. “To preserve our freedoms, protect our constitutional government, safeguard our national security and ensure that all members of our nation will be able to work together for a better future, it is imperative that Hillary Clinton be elected as the next President of the United States,” says the letter, which doesn’t mention GOP nominee Donald Trump. The signatories said Clinton meets their call for a candidate with a history of “strong advocacy for science agencies” and “sensible immigration and education policies,” crucial for a strong culture of domestic innovation. The New York Times notes academics often side with Democratic candidates. Large groups of Nobel laureates endorsed Barack Obama in the past two elections. Clinton has made climate change action a key issue, calling it an “urgent threat” and a “defining challenge of our time.”
Trump, on the other hand, has called climate change a hoax created by the Chinese. He denied making the statement during the first presidential debate, but several anti-climate tweets are alive and well on his Twitter account.
