7 -yr Sazib gets bail in Jhenaidah

JhenaidAH: Seven-year old boy Sazib on his father's lap, leaving Jhenaidah court on Sunday.
JhenaidAH: Seven-year old boy Sazib on his father's lap, leaving Jhenaidah court on Sunday.
Jhenaidah Correspondent :
A court in Jhenaidah on Sunday had granted bail to a seven year old boy when he appeared before the court as a witness in a violation case with the court on his father’s lap like previous day.
The boy was Sazib Hossain, the son of Abdul Malek of Mostabapur village under Kaliganj upazila in Jhenaidah.
The court sources said, Some Abu Yousuf, 14, son of Asgar Ali of the village on April 24 last year had violated a class two school girl in the same village. Sazib was declared the associate as well as the witness of the incident when the girl was taken to her house.
To seek bail as per the soummons of the court, the baby was produced before the court of Additional District and Sessions Judges Court of Mohammad Abu Habib. The court had granted the bail of the minor boy considering his age.
Tabiur Rahman, the pleader of Sazib said, the court had considered the age of Sazib and the situation of the incident. The birth registration card of Sazib might be helpful to quit the allegation against Sazib following the violation incident on next date, he said.