7 picked up for over 2 months still traceless

RAB members not involved, says DG


Seven persons including a city unit BNP leader remain traceless for the last two and a half months. They were picked up by persons introducing themselves as members of the administration from separate places of the city on December 4 night.
Of the seven six were picked up from an under construction building of city’s Basundhara residential area in the evening while the other one was picked up from Shahinbagh under Tejgaon, according to members of families of the victims.
Those who remain traceless are Sajedul Islam (34), general secretary of Ward 38 of city unit of BNP, his cousin Jahidul Karim(30). Four others are Abdul Kader Bhuiyan of East Nakhalpara, Majharul Islam of West Nakhalpara, Asaduzzaman of Mugda and Al Amin of Uttar Badda.
 AM Adnan Chowdhury was picked up from his Shahinbagh residence at late at night. Those who remain traceless are in their mid-twenties.
Sajedul Islam together with others were picked up by persons wearing uniform of RAB, family members told the media quoting eye witnesses. RAB however, denied it. Adnan was also picked up by persons wearing uniform of RAB.
Director General of Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) Moklesur Rahman told the New Nation on Saturday that none of RAB is in any way involved in the incident. Whenever any incident of disappearance takes place, RAB is implicated, he said adding it is done only to tarnish the image of RAB. If there is any specific allegation against any member of RAB, he said, the authority would investigate and take necessary action. RAB, he said, has already solved problems of several disappearances. He said, ” We are investigating the matter of seven missing persons.”
Sajedul Islam was staying at his aunt’s house in Bashundhara on political ground but he was a resident of Shahinbagh. Sajedul, his cousin Jahidul with four others were taking puffed rice at Bashundhara residential area in the evening inside an under construction building when they were picked up, victims families told the media. Those who took them appeared at the scene in three cars of RAB, family members claimed. Officer in charge of Bhattara thana told the media that the case was under investigation.
The names of Majharul, Asaduzzaman and Al-Amin are in the list of 19 abducted persons given by the BNP. The family members of the victims told the media that there was no progress in tracing them though the matter has been brought to the knowledge of all concerned of the government. Ruhul Amin, father of Adnan of Shahinbagh told the media that a group of about 15 persons wearing black dresses took his son from his residence on December 4 late night. Adnan is married, he said adding he had a break of study. Adnan’s house was adjacent to the house of Sajedul at Shahinbagh area.
Hajera Khatun, mother of Sajedul told the media that her son was on good terms with the people of the locality irrespective of their party affiliations. She sought help of the members of law enforcing agencies for tracing her son. An identical demand was raised by members of families of all the seven traceless persons.
State minister for home Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal told the media that he was aware of the matter.  
