National Vitamin A- Plus Campaign to be launched tomorrow: 7.9 lakh children to be fed Vitamin A-Plus capsules in 5 dists

SREEBORDI (Sherpur): An advocacy meeting was arranged marking the upcoming National Vitamin 'A' plus Campaign ((2nd Phase) at Sreebordi Health Complex Hall Room on Tuesday. Among others, Abdullah -al- Mamun, Upazila Chairman was present as Chief Guest
SREEBORDI (Sherpur): An advocacy meeting was arranged marking the upcoming National Vitamin 'A' plus Campaign ((2nd Phase) at Sreebordi Health Complex Hall Room on Tuesday. Among others, Abdullah -al- Mamun, Upazila Chairman was present as Chief Guest
Bagerhat Correspondent :
Under the joint auspices of Public Health Department, Public Health and Family Planning Ministry and National Nutrition Institute brisk preparations are afoot to make the National Vitamin ‘A’ plus campaign (2nd Phase) a success in Bagerhat district on December 23.  
Bagerhat District Public Health Department arranged a workshop on the topic in the auditorium of Bagerhat Press Club with the local journalists of both print and electronic Medias with Dr. A C Mondol, Civil Surgeon of Bagerhat in the chair on Wednesday to ventilate the matter widely among the people through the news media.
The key note paper on the topic was presented by Dr. Probir Kumar Bakshi, Medical Officer, Civil Surgeon Office, Bagerhat. He explained, vitamin ‘A’ is not produced automatically in the bodies of the children. So, they should require it from the outside and vitamin A capsule helps them to take it easily. He added, for want of vitamin ‘A’ children may suffer from blindness, night blindness and loss the resistance power to fight against diarrhea and various other infectious and fatal diseases. So, the all concerned should come forward to make the vitamin ‘A’ plus campaign a success. He further disclosed, some 18,200 children aged from 6 months to 11 months will be given vitamin ‘A’ capsules of blue colour and some 1, 44, 600 children aged from 12 months to 59 months will be given vitamin ‘A’ plus capsules of red colour from as many as 2,015 inoculation centers in the nine Upazilas and 2 Pourashavas- Bagerhat and Mongla in the whole of Bagerhat district on December 23. And some 6,045 volunteers and field workers are ready to make the campaign a success.
Md Zahirul Islam, DD (Local Government), Bagerhat while was speaking in the workshop as the chief guest on behalf the district administration he urged all concerned to make the vitamin A capsule campaign a success for the greater interest of our future generations. The workshop was also addressed among others by Abdul Alim, DD, Family Planning Department, Bagerhat, Ahad Uddin Haidar, President of Bagerhat Press Club and journalists Adv M. Mozaffor Hossain, Prof ABM Mosharraf Husain, Ahsanul Karin, Prof. Mahfizur Rahman, Azmol Hossain and Nakib Sirajul Haq.
Sylhet Correspondent reports: Speakers at meeting recently urged all the authorities concerned to make the forthcoming December 23 National vitamin ‘A’ plus campaign-2017 (Second round) a success aiming to address vitamin deficiency disorders among babies.
They said vitamin ‘A’ supplement is essential for the normal functioning of the visual system, maintenance of cell function for growth, red blood cell production, immunity and reproduction.
Besides, various problems like eyesight and night blindness could be prevented and cured through successful implementation of the campaign, the speakers said.
Sylhet Divisional Health Office organized the orientation and planning meeting at its conference hall ahead of the campaign.
Acting Sylhet Divisional Commissioner Mrinal Kanty Das Attended the programme as a chief guest. Chaired by Director Sylhet Divisional Health Dr. Ismail Faruk, the meeting was addressed, among others, by Director of FF Sylhet Division Kutub uddin, Additional DIG Nojrul Islam. Civil Surgeon Dr Himangshu Lal Ray,Moulibibazar Civil Surgeon Dr Sottokam Chakrobarty,Hobigang Civil Surgeon Dr Suchinto Chakro barti. Sylhet Radio Director Fakrul islam,.
During his power-point presentation, Sylhet Divisional Commissioner Mrinal Kanty Das said the vitamin ‘A’ plus supplement is helpful for reducing severity and duration of illnesses associated with pneumonia and diarrhea.
Children should begin vitamin ‘A’ supplement at the age of six months, but unfortunately children aged between 6 and 9 months do not get the supplement despite various interventions.
He urged the district-level officials to organize orientation for volunteers at ward-level so that they can do their work properly and effectively.
BSS from Rangpur reports: Health officials here yesterday urged media to play an important role aiming to make ‘the National Vitamin A Plus Campaign (Second Phase) 23 December- 2017’ a success.
They come up with the call at a press conference organised by Rangpur City Corporation (RpCC) at its conference room.
The campaign will be conducted under the auspices of the Public Health and Nutrition Institute (PHNI) and National Nutrition Services (NNS) of the Health and Family Planning Ministry.
RpCC Chief Executive Officer Akhter Hossain Azad read out a written statement, citing various statistics and steps taken to provide Vitamin A Plus capsule to every under-five baby of the city.
“A total of 630 supervisors and volunteers will provide Vitamin A capsules to over 1.28 lakh under-five children at 297 outreach centres in all wards of the city on December 23 next,” he said.
Of them, 20,300 children aged between 6 and 11 months will get one dose of one lakh unit Vitamin A Blue capsule and over 1.08-lakh babies aged between 12 and 59 months will get one dose of two lakh unit Vitamin A Red capsule, he said.
RpCC Chief Health Officer Dr Kamruzzaman Ibne Taz said Vitamin A Plus capsule has no side effect, calling upon parents not to become afraid and contact health officials if their babies would show vomiting tendency after taking the capsules.
“Supplementation of Vitamin A reduces 30 percent measles- related and 33 percent diarrhoea-related death risks of the under-five babies,” Dr Taz added.
Akhter Hossain Azad urged journalists to play their vital role in creating social awareness to make the campaign a success for increasing disease resistant capacities of the babies to prevent various diseases.
BSS from Manikganj reports: Civil surgeons here yesterday urged all to come forward to make the upcoming December 23 Vitamin A Plus Campaign a success.
They came up with the call at a press briefing on the campaign at Manikganj Press Club. Local civil surgeon’s office arranged the briefing.
A total of 1,58,682 children will be fed blue and red colour vitamin A capsules in all the seven upazilas of the district on December 23 at the second round aiming to reduce the risk of child mortality.
UNB from Chandpur adds: A total of 309,616 children, aged between six and 59 months, will be fed vitamin A-plus capsules in the district on Saturday.
Of them, some 35,424 children, aged between six and 11 months, will be given the blue-coloured vitamin A capsules while those, aged between 12 to 59 months, will receive the red-coloured ones.
The information was revealed at a meeting organised by the civil surgeon office at its seminar room on Wednesday.
Acting civil surgeon of the district Dr M Safiqul Islam said a total of 3,459 volunteers will work at the 22,261 centres where children will be fed the vitamin A capsules.
Some 505 officers will supervise the activities of the volunteers, he added.
