64th founding anniv of Deodighi High School begins

Chattogram Bureau :
 The two day long 64th founding anniversary followed by students reunion of the Deodighi AKM High school under Satkania Upazila in South Chattogram will begin today at school ground.
Minister for Housing and Public Works and Engr. Mosharraf Hossain will attend the anniversary function as Chief Guest.
Local legislator of Satkania Prof. Abu Reza Md Nizamuddin Nadvi will formally inaugurate the two- day long programme .
Convenor of the Students Forum of Deodighi High school and UP chairman of Mardarsha Union ANM Selim lchowdhury will preside over the anniversary programmes.
The programmes of the first day include Free health camp, sports competition and tree plantation and daylong cultural programs , discussions, reception to intellectuals, songs, concerts and rafle draw etc. on second day.