5 sued for attack on Feni manpower training office

UNB, Feni :
Police arrested five people accused in a case filed in connection with the attack and vandalism at the Feni district office of the Manpower, Employment and Training on Sunday evening.
The arrestees are – Mohiuddin Didar, 49, former deputy press secretary of Awami League district unit, businessman Anwar Hossain, 48, Ashraf Uddin Rasel, former member of district unit of Chhatra League, Jasim Uddin, 49,
 former forest and environment affairs secretary of Awami League’s district unit and Nurul Amin, 45.
Md Nizam Uddin, assistant director of the office filed the case at Feni Model Police Station on Sunday evening. According to the case statement, Anwar and Amin went to the office for registering their finger prints for a tourist visa of Vietnam. When Nizam explained to them that they do not need finger prints for tourist visas, the duo got angry and scolded and threatened him. They returned with their gang in the afternoon and assaulted Nizam. When he tried to contact the deputy commissioner over land phone, they tore the line and damaged the phone. They also snatched his mobile phone, vanadalised chairs and glasses, Nizam said.