5 flights carry 1900 Hajj pilgrims

Staff Reporter :
Five flights of Biman Bangladesh, the national flag carrier airlines on Monday carried 1900 Hajj pilgrims to Jeddah.
Biman sources told The New Nation that a total of five flights carried those pilgrims through four dedicated Hajj flights and a regular flight of Biman Bangladesh.
The sources added a dedicated Hajj flight departed from Chittagang to Madina at 7:40 am, another from Sylhet to Jeddah at 5:30 pm. Two dedicated Hajj flights from Dhaka to Jeddah departed at 9:05am and 12:55 pm from Hazrat Sahjalal International Airport (HISA).
Dedicated Hajj flights carried 1650 pilgrims and from Dhaka at 8:45 pm carried 250 pilgrims along with regular passengers of Biman Bangladesh.
Hajj Agencies Associations of Bangladesh (HAAB) General Secretary Sahdat Taslim affirmed that all the pilgrims will be able to perform Hajj this year though some of them did not receive visa due to different complexities.
 “We are working to solve the complexities,” Sahdat Taslim mentioned.
