47th Independence, Nat`l Day today

The nation is fully prepared to celebrate the 47th Independence and National Day today with a fresh vow to uphold the spirit of the Liberation War and to build a “Sonar Bangla” as dreamt by Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.

On completion of the 46th anniversary of Independence, the day this year carries special significance in the national life as forging national unity is badly needed at the moment to root out militancy from the country.

On this auspicious occasion, glowing tributes will be paid to the Martyrs and veterans of the War of Liberation.
The National Memorial at Savar will be the main venue of the celebration of the day where President Md Abdul Hamid and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina will place wreaths in the early morning as a mark of profound respect to the memories of the Martyrs.

Families of Bir Shreshthas, war wounded freedom fighters, members of the diplomatic corps, leaders of different political parties, social, cultural and professional bodies and people from all walks of life will also lay wreaths at the National Memorial in the morning.

Every year, March 26 brings the most tragic reminiscence of the history’s blackest episode that heralded a nine-month bloody ordeal from the night following March 25, 1971 in achieving the long-cherished independence on December 16 the same year at the cost of a sea of blood.

In the wake of the military crackdown, Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, who became the undisputed leader of the then Pakistan following the massive victory of his party, Awami League, in the 1970 general elections, declared independence of Bangladesh through the then EPR (East Pakistan Rifles) wireless at 00-30 hours on March 26 (the night following March 25) in 1971 at his historic Road-32 residence at Dhanmondi here.

The great leader also called upon the people to build up strong resistance against the Pakistani barbaric occupation forces. The Pakistani military junta, in a bid to stop the legitimate movement of the Bangalees, arrested Bangabandhu on that night following his declaration of Independence.

Later, Bangabandhu was taken to the then West Pakistan where he had to spend long nine months in a dark condemned cell.

According to Banglapedia, Bangabandhu wrote down the declaration of independence soon after the Pakistani army cracked down on the fateful night of March 25, 1971. The declaration of Independence was soon put on air by wireless.

The declaration was first broadcast by Awami League leader MA Hannan from Kalurghat Radio Station in Port city Chittagong on March 26, 1971.

However, on March 27, 1971, the then Major Ziaur Rahman announced the proclamation of independence on behalf of great leader Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman from the same radio station.

The Pakistani military junta in their monstrous outburst unleashed a bloody holocaust breaking the silence of the night following March 25 in 1971 when they mercilessly killed hundreds of innocent sleeping Bangalees including teachers, students, polices, soldiers, pedestrians and rickshaw-pullers here.

The nation soon launched the War of Liberation at the call of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in the early hours of March 26.

Bangladesh emerged as an independent and sovereign country on December 16, 1971 with the surrender of the Pakistani occupation forces, who killed three million innocent Bangalees, perpetrated atrocities on 200,000 (two lakh) Bangalee women and burnt down lakhs of dwelling houses across the country during the nine-month war.


On the eve of the Independence Day, President Md Abdul Hamid and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina issued separate messages, calling upon the nation to uphold the spirit of the War of Liberation to fulfill the dreams of the valiant Freedom Fighters, who embraced Martyrdom for the cause of their beloved motherland.

The day’s programmes will be heralded with a 31-gun salute early in the morning as a mark of respect to the heroic struggle of this nation, which suffered a protracted subjugation under foreign rules from time to time till achieving their coveted Independence in 1971.

The nation will also pay glowing tributes to Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and valiant sons of the soil whose supreme sacrifices freed the country from the Pakistani bondage.
The day is a public holiday.

The National Flag will fly atop all government and private buildings while all streets and important city intersections will be tastefully decorated with national and multi-coloured miniature flags and festoons.
Important buildings and establishments as well as city streets and islands will be illuminated with colourful lights.

A children’s rally will be held at Bangabandhu National Stadium at 8am today on the occasion of marking the day. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is expected to attend the rally as the chief guest.

National dailies will bring out special supplements while Bangladesh Betar, Bangladesh Television, private radio stations and television channels will air special programmes highlighting the significance of the day.

Special prayers will be offered in all mosques, temples, churches and other places of worship across the country seeking divine blessings for the eternal peace of the departed souls of Father of the Nation, four national leaders, martyrs of the War of Liberation and all other patriotic sons of the soil.

Improved diets will be served to the inmates of hospitals, jails, old homes and other public institutions to mark the day.

Different political parties as well as socio-cultural and professional organisations have drawn elaborate programmes to observe the day in a befitting manner.

The programmes include hoisting of the National Flag, placing of wreaths at the National Memorial at Savar, offering of special prayers, holding of seminars, discussions and cultural functions. The ruling Bangladesh Awami League has chalked out an elaborate programme to observe the Independence Day.

The programme includes hoisting of the National Flag and party flag at the Bangabandhu Bhaban and party offices across the country at dawn, placing of wreaths at the National Memorial at Savar at 6 am and at the portrait of Bangabandhu at Bangabandhu Memorial Museum at Dhanmondi in the city at 7 am.

Besides, leaders and workers of Awami League and associate bodies will lay wreaths at Bangabandhu’s Mazar at Tungipara in Gopalganj district, where milad and doa mahfils also will be organised to mark the day.
The Awami League will also hold a discussion at the auditorium of Krishibid Institution Bangladesh at Khamar Bari at Farmgate in the capital city at 3.30 pm on March 27.

Awami League President and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is expected to chair the discussion.

Besides, Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), Jatiya Party, Workers Party, Jatiya Samjtantrik Dal (JSD), Communist Party of Bangladesh (CPB), Gano Forum, LDP and other political parties and their associate bodies have drawn up various programmes to mark the 47th Independence Day.
