44th BCS preli test results out


City Desk :
As many as 15,708 candidates have passed the 44th Bangladesh Civil Service preliminary exams.
The Public Service Commission published the results on Wednesday after the tests were held on May 27, with 350,000 job seekers applying against 1,710 seats in 25 cadres, reports bdnews24.com
The commission published the notice for the exams in November 2021, the first general recruitment notice to be issued amid the coronavirus pandemic.
The PSC in November 2020 published a notice to appoint 2,000 assistant surgeons from the 42nd special BCS. It recommended the appointment of 2,000 more doctors from the special BCS in July on an emergency basis amid a surge in infections.
Through the 44th BCS, the government will appoint 449 candidates under general cadre, 485 under technical cadre, 421 under general education and 355 under technical education.
The 200-mark multiple choice question or MCQ tests were held in eight divisional cities.
