4000 poor students take benefit from ‘ASA’


Staff Reporter :
A renowned private development based institute, ‘ASA’ is conducting a ‘primary education strengthening program’ with full funding to support the underprivileged children of the country and prevent them from falling out of school.
At present, about 4,000 students from ultra-poor families have been taking benefiting from this program through 15159 educational centers of 1000 Branch of the ‘ASA’ Branch in 63 districts, said a pres release.
Apart from this, 8046 students have come under this facilities thru 390 educational centers of 26 “ASA” Branch in Chittagong district, it said.
Teaching is conducted through 3 educational services in each education center. In order to promote the successful implementation of this agenda and encouragement of services, an educational conference and workshop was organized in Chittagong with education workers in Chittagong district at ASA Central Office, Chittagong Divisio on Friday, according to the press release.
Shankar Ranjan Saha (Additional Secretary), also Additional Divisional Commissioner, Chittagong Division was present as the chief guest in the workshop chaired by Mr. Sushil Kumar Roy, Advisor (HR, Training and Education).
