40 personnel receives Coastguard awards

Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal, adorning a 'Bangladesh Coastguard Medal' to Assistant Director (Intelligence), Bangladesh Coastguard Headquarters Lieutenant Commander M Hamidul Islam, (TAS), BN on its 24th founding anniversary at the headquarters
Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal, adorning a 'Bangladesh Coastguard Medal' to Assistant Director (Intelligence), Bangladesh Coastguard Headquarters Lieutenant Commander M Hamidul Islam, (TAS), BN on its 24th founding anniversary at the headquarters

Staff Reporter :
A total of 40 personnel of Bangladesh Coastguard have been awarded for the prestigious ‘Bangladesh Coastguard Award’, ‘President Coastguard Award’, ‘Bangladesh Coastguard (service) Award’ and ‘President Coastguard (service) Award’ this year for best performance in their duties.
Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal handed over the awards to them at the function of the force’s 24th founding anniversary at its headquarters in the capital on Thursday. Of the awardees, 16 are officers, 22 sailors and two are civil employees of the force.
