4 members of a family hurt by miscreants in Chitalmari


Bagerhat Correspondent :
Shashanka Ojha (35), a village physician of Chitalmari bazar under Chitalmari Upazila in Bagerhat district and three other members of his family including his old mother were injured in the hands of a number of alleged miscreants when they (miscreants) ransacked his chamber on Wednesday evening, according to a delayed report received here. The injured persons were admitted to Chitalmari Upazila Health Complex at the night for their treatment. But considering the precarious condition of the physician he was shifted from there to Khulna Medical College Hospital for better treatment.
The injured physician told the newsmen, a number of miscreants had been demanding a hand some amount of money as an illegal extraction for long. But I always expressed my inability every time. In the evening at 8 pm they (miscreants) appeared his chamber and demanded money once again. But when I expressed my inability they became furious and began to ransack my chamber and at one stage when I tried to resist them they fell on me and began to beat me mercilessly. On hearing my crying my old mother Shova Rani Ojha (55), sister Smriti Rani (30) who is a teacher and brother-in-law Lincon Haldar (33) rushed to the spot and when they tried to save me the miscreants fell on them and began to beat them left and right. On hearing the hue and cry as the neighbouring people rushed to the chamber the miscreants fled away.
