4 internationally noted intellectuals demand release of Shahidul Alam

Diplomatic Correspondent :
Four internationally reputed authors and intellectuals on Friday raised their voice for immediate release of acclaimed photographer Shahidul Alam, who was arrested last week by Detective Branch of Police.
Indian Writer Arundhati Roy, Canadian Author Naomi Klein, American Writer and Philosopher Noam Chomsky and Indian Intellectual Vijay Prashad claimed this in a joint statement on Friday.
They said, “Documentation and criticism are
elementary aspects of human life. For a state to deny a citizen the right to say what is happening and to be angered about what is happening is a denial of this basic right.”
 “Reports say that Shahidul Alam has been tortured in prison to the widespread dismay of the intellectual world,” the statement said.
 “He is, in fact, the recipient of a high honour from the government of Bangladesh – the Shilpakala Padak in 2014. Shahidul Alam was handed this award by the incumbent President of Bangladesh.
 “The government of Bangladesh, which gave Shahidul Alam this high award, must immediately release him, drop all charges brought against him and negotiate in good faith with the students,” it reads.
 “Anything less than that stands as a rebuke to justice and liberty, decency and hope for a better future,” it said.
A group of 30 to 35 men in plain clothes took Shahidul away from his house late on Sunday hours after Qatar-based Al Jazeera television channel telecast an interview of him.  
He was later shown arrested by detective branch of police, who charged him for spreading ‘imaginary propaganda against the government’ on his Facebook page that ‘triggered panic among public and caused deterioration of law and order.’
A court placed Shahidul Alam on remand for seven days.