36th BCS preli exam held

Staff Reporter :
The 36th Bangladesh Civil Service (BCS) preliminary examination was held with 211,326 candidates on Friday.
The test began at 9:30am in 162 centres all over the country and ended at 11:30am, Public Service Commission (PSC) official Nazrul Islam said.
A total of 117 executive magistrates were on duty during the examination to guard against irregularities, frauds and question leaks.
The magistrates were vigilant both outside and inside the examination halls.
Besides, there was a strict stand against allowing the examinees to leave the
examination halls after distribution of question papers and before the examination was over.
The PSC has prohibited use of watch in the examination halls. Earlier in the 35th BCS tests, the PSC prohibited the use of any electronic device such as calculators and mobile phones by the examinees. The PSC supplied plenty of wall clocks in the examination halls for the candidates to check time.
Of them, only 2,180 will be appointed first-class gazetted officers after they clear this 200-mark MCQ examination, written tests, and viva.