35 Bangladeshis held at Boroanchra border point


UNB, Benapole :
Members of Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) arrested 35 Bangladeshi nationals while they were entering the country through Boroanchra rail line border point here on Tuesday morning, after going to India illegally.
All of them hail from different areas of Barisal and Jhalakati districts.
Subedar Aiyub Ali Sarkar, commanding officer of Benapole check post BGB-26, said on secret information, a team of the border force conducted a drive in the area and arrested the 35, including 19 women and two children, in the morning while they were trying to enter the Bangladesh territory during their return from India without valid documents.
Later, BGB troops handed them over to Benapole Port Police Station.
A case was filed in this connection.
