34-returnee quarantined in Kishoreganj


Staff Reporter, Kishoreganj :
At least 34 people, who returned from different coronavirus affected countries, have been quarantined at their respective homes in Bhairab of Kishoreganj district as a precautionary measure to contain spread of the deadly virus.
Sources in Civil Surgeon Office and Bhairab Health Complex said, 10 people were kept in isolation on Wednesday, 13 on Tuesday and 11 on Monday at their respective homes.
Civil Surgeon of Kishoreganj Dr. Mujibur Rahman told The New Nation that they would be under observation for 14 days. During the period, they are not allowed to go out of their homes and communicate with family members. Family members are also barred from communicating with them.
Upazila Health and Family Planning Officer of Bhairab Dr. Bulbul said most of the home-isolated returnees came from Italy and the Middle East. Italy is the worst-hit European country by the COVID-19. They all will have to stay at homes for a certain period as part of halting the virus.
A 50-Bed Isolation Unit has been prepared under the management of coronavirus prevention committee here in Bhairab, he added.
Syed Nazrul Islam Medical College Hospital in Kishoreganj has also prepared 100-Bed Isolation unit.
The Civil Surgeon said that the district administration along with the health department is working cautiously to face the coronavirus, adding that there is no worry about it.
