3 female media workers shot dead in Afganistan


Three female media workers have been shot dead in separate shootings in the Afghan city of Jalalabad. Another female media worker was injured in the incident.

The deceased were identified as Mursal Wahidi, Shahnaz and Sadia — all are 18 to 20 years old and secondary school students. All three were shot on their way home after work, according to The Guardian.

Zalmai Latifi, chief executive officer of Enikass TV, said, “The three were working in the dubbing department of Enikass Television. They were shot on their way home from the office on foot.”

Another female media worker was injured in another attack and was admitted to the hospital in critical condition, he added.

“The mastermind of the attack had been arrested. He is associated with the Taliban,” said Nangarhar police chief Juma Gul Hemat.


However, the Taliban has denied any involvement in the attack.

It is to be noted that Malala Maiwand, a well-known social presenter and a female reporter of the same company, was shot dead in her car three months ago.

(Source: Online Desk)
