2nd biggest fuel oil station at Mongla Port awaits inauguration

Prof ABM. Mosharraf Husain, Bagerha :
‘Mongla Oil Installation’, the 2nd biggest fuel oil supply station of the country, constructed at Mongla Sea Port under Priority- based Project of the Government after long 69 years of its establishment is waiting for ceremonial inauguration.
 All kinds of fuel oil can be preserved here. Fuel oil can be supplied to all kinds of water vessels including both foreign and local mercantile ships from here. Not only that but also fuel oil can be supplied to industries of all levels of both south and northern regions of the country, it was disclosed by a source of Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation (BPC).
It is learnt from Bangladesh Petroleum Company and Mongla Port authorities that the activities of Mongla Sea Port started in the year of 1950. Though there were export-import and commercial facilities there from the beginning of the port there was no facility for bunkering of the fuel oil in order to supply the same to the different kinds of water vessels.
So, the demands were raised from different corners for the establishment of a fuel oil depot at the port. In the face of the strong demands raised by the shipping agents, shipping companies and different business organizations in the year of 2003 BPC took lease of 25 acres of lands on the plot No.22 in Mongla port area and the Government took a decision to establish a fuel oil station consisting of the capacity of one lakh metric tones (fuel) oil on the plot in the name of ‘Mongla Oil Installation’.
In the month of October of 2007 BPC-concerned Development Project Proposal (DPP) was approved by the Government. But after that no step was taken by the concerned authorities to establish the fuel oil depot. Later only a signboard was installed on the allotted plot of land. The implementation work of the project was suspended for long due to a number of complications for years together. As a result, disappointment was created among the users of the port. After that 5/6 project directors were appointed. But nothing was done for the establishment of the proposed Mongla Oil Installation. After a long waiting in the year 2012 when Engineer Molsaddek Hossain (Deputy Director General of Padma Oil Company) was appointed as the Project Director (of the proposed project) it got a new life and on July 09 of the same year the revised DPP was approved and the development works of the sanctioned land started. By this time construction of some 14 petroleum storage tanks with the capacity of 1 lakh metric tones (oil) and auto-gazing system, most modern outer fire fighting system, sub-stations, 4 marine loading armed dolphin oil jetties and other infrastructures of the oil depot have already been completed.
The main fuel oil selling centers of 3 oil companies (Padma, Meghna and Jamuna) of Bangladesh are situated at Patenga of Chittagong. But the holding capacity of those oil selling centers cannot be increased to meet the growing demand of oil of the country. So, the installation of a fuel oil center at Mongla is very badly felt. H M Dulal, a member of the committee of Mongla port users and Mongla Port Advisory Committee told, all the foreign sea Ports have bunkering system of oil to supply the same to ships. But previously Mongla Sea Port had no such facilities. As a result, all kinds of ships, mainly mother vessels, shipping agents and all other users of Mongla Sea Port had to face innumerable problems previously. This oil depot installed at Mongla will play a very important and vital role for the over all development of the port and the northern and southern regions.
Mosaddek Hossain, Project Director of Mongla Oil Installation (PBC), according to the schedule, the project will be completed within the month of June, 2019. But all the construction works of the project were completed long before the schedule time. Now it can be inaugurated ceremonially at any time. He added, after the starting of its operation all the problems of fuel of the port will be gone forever and arrival and departure of ships at the port will be increased to a great extent.
Commodore K M Faruk Hasan (BN), Chairman , Mongla Port Authorities, told, due to the installation of the oil depot at Mongla Port supply of oil to mercantile ships will be insured and ongoing sufferings of the port users will be solved for good. The Chairman added, foreign ships were to wait at the port for long time for want of fuel oil. After the starting of its (oil depot) operation all the problems of the port will be gone for ever. Consequently, the port will be more attractive to the foreigners and the importance and viability of it (port) will be increased to a greater extent.