27 dead in air strike on Yemen wedding party


Reuters, Sanaa :At least 27 people, most of them women and children, were killed on Monday in an air strike on a wedding party in southwestern Yemen, a local official and residents said.A local resident said 12 women, eight children and seven men died in the air strike, which struck two tents in the village of al-Wahijah, near the Red Sea port city of Al-Mokha, where a wedding for a local man affiliated with Yemen’s dominant Houthi group. A local official put the death toll at 30.Residents described mutilated bodies from the attack. A number of other casualties were rushed to a nearby hospital, they said.A spokesman for the Saudi-led coalition could not immediately be reached for a comment.Monday’s air strike came a day after helicopters from the Saudi-led coalition struck houses in a village in northern Yemen on Sunday, killing at least 30 people, most of them civilians.A Saudi-led coalition has been pounding the Iran-allied Houthi group from the air for six months, trying to eject it from the capital Sanaa it seized a year ago and restore President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi to power.
