20 teenage gangs active in Chattogram

A Correspondent :
Around 20 teenage gangs in Chattogram are currently running under so called ‘Big brothers’. They are getting involved in conflicts for silly matters.
In the last ten months of this year, eight were murdered by teenage gangs. Whose last victim was – a young man named Md Nahid (19). In addition, at least ten cases have been filed in various police stations in the city due to teenage crime.
The Nahid killing took place near the ward no-13 counselor’s office on Sunday at around 8:30 pm in the Ambangan area of Khulshi police station. Police have collected CCTV footage of the incident.
It is reported that several youths, including Nahid, went to beat Nahid’s friend to take revenge of a previous conflict. But Nahid himself fell to the ground when Shohel attacked him with a screw driver. Deceased Nahid was son of local mason Md Adullah. Accused Md Shohel is also a resident of same area and he is professionally a garage mechanic.
Video footage showed the clashes between the two group members. Some women are trying to get them separate. While others were beating Sohail, Nahid sat back down on the ground. After falling down in the road again he stood up and tried to move. After moving few steps he tried to balance himself by holding a gate but he couldn’t and fell down.
Witnesses said that when Nahid fell on the road, locals rushed him to the Mother and Children hospital. But the doctor on duty declared him dead. According to local sources, on Saturday, a few youth unitedly went to Ambagan area in Shohel’s word to threat Nahid. Later, when the youths of the area tried to chase Sohail, police made them run away in different direction.
Although Sohail was a resident of Ambaghan area, he was accompanied by some identified terrorists in Lalkhan Bazar area including Pichi Hanif, Papu and Raihan.Originally, the clash erupted on Saturday evening between followers of an Awami League leader and councilor Hiran in Lalkhan Bazar.
Referring that incident, soon after finding Sohail alone on Sunday, several youth including Nahid beat him up. The local women tried to separate them, but in the meantime Shohel attacked Nahid with his screwdriver and hit in Nahid’s stomach. Officer-in-Charge (OC) of Khulshi Police Station Pranab Chowdhury said, “After taking Nahid to Agrabad Mothers and Children hospital with serious injuries, the duty doctor declared him dead.
The Nahids went to kill Sohail in retaliation for the earlier enmity. There, Sohail hit him in the stomach with a screwdriver. We have seized video footage of the CC camera. Sohail fled after the incident.
Mohammad Mohsin, Officer-in-Charge of the Kotwali police station in the city, said, “The gang members of the gangs are involved in crimes committed by opening groups through social media, including Facebook and Twitter.
It is usually seen that, if they get into any conflict at school, they inform other members of the gang press release through the groups. They then assemble or attack one another after school holidays. In any event, from love to triviality, they are getting involved in a deadly conflict.
According to city intelligence police sources, the city police listed the juvenile and criminals involved in the crime soon after the murder of Adnan Ispar, a student at Collegiate School, was shot to death in the head on January 7th in Chattogram city. The names of about 550 teenagers came up on the list.
Offensive spot, where regular chatting and meeting takes place, the name of such spot came about 300. Police had named several Awami League-Jubo League and Chhatra League leaders in Lalkhan Bazar, Chawkbazar, Nandankanon, CRB, Biswak Colony, Bahaddarhat, Polytechnic areas for the political use of the teenagers.
The regulators of these teen gangs are powerful. As a result, the problem of juvenile delinquency is increasing day by day.
Aktar Kabir Chowdhury, President of Sanak Chattogram Chapter, said that the influence of teenage gang culture is now being on family to society everywhere. In fact, due to political influence, the law enforcers cannot take strict action against these teenage gangs.