171 Bangladeshis detained in US-Mexico border for six months


The United States Customs and Border Protection Division (CBP) says 171 Bangladeshis have been detained at Mexico’s Laredo border with USA from October to April 12, 2017.
They were made to try to enter the United States illegally with Mexico.
180 Bangladeshis were detained at the same border in the financial year (October-August).
The number of illegal Bangladeshi nationals entering the US has raised concerns about the US immigration reform and the Federation of American Immigration Reforms (FAA), the largest and most influential organization in the US.
In an article published on the website of the Immigration Reform Dot Com, published an article, Matty and Brian, head of the research department.
He writes – It seems that, the Laredo border of Texas has become the main road to enter the United States of South Asian and Afghan illegal immigrants through Latin America.
Mr. Bryan has expressed special concerns with Bangladeshis. He showed two reasons for his concern –
One, Isis and Al Qaeda in Indian subcontinent (AQIS) and some other militant groups are active in Bangladesh and they are collecting members from Bangladesh. “So it is possible that some of these illegal immigrants from Bangladesh may have links to those terrorist organizations.”
Two, if people from a remote country like Bangladesh can enter Latin America and enter the United States of America, then in other countries where there is a problem of terrorism, people can also take the same path with encouragement.
“It is time to ensure that the unprotected south border can not misuse the terrorists.” Last year a search report from the US magazine Los Angeles Times said that the number of Bangladeshi, Indian, Nepali and Pakistanis illegally entering the United States through Latin America became increasingly huge. According to official statistics, the report said that in the 11 months before August 2016, 4060 people of these four countries entered the United States, among whom 3604 were detained. But seven years ago this number was only 225.
The Los Angeles Times wrote – These South Asian immigrants came to Brazil primarily from Chartered Air from Dubai. After that, inland on Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Panama City and Guatemalan enter Mexico.
It takes a few months to reach the US border by reaching such a distance. Dangerous jungle, hills, extortion and robberies are on the way. If the guardians can not escape the sight of the border, many times they are caught or caught, they seek political asylum.
Nearly 4,000 South Asians were detained on Mexico border in the 2016 fiscal year.
