16,000 undistributed books seized from school

Staff Reporter :
About 16,000 books meant for free distribution were seized from a storeroom in Postogola Bhasha Prodeep High School in Dhaka.
A mobile court conducted the operation on Wednesday in the institution, said RAB’s Executive Magistrate Nizamuddin Ahmed.
The school received more books compared with the number of its students, said RAB-10 Deputy Captain Major Shahriar Ziaur Rahman. Almost 25,000 books were not distributed, he added.
“Books are supposed to be returned to the board if not distributed. But that was not done here. We have found a stock of almost 16,000 books in the school’s storeroom.”
Locals have alleged that the school authorities were reportedly selling the books. They were caught while transferring the books wrapped in polythene from the school in a van on October 19 by locals.
But RAB team conducted a raid based on the allegations.
When asked about the matter, the school’s headmistress Afsana Mirza told reporters, “It is true that there have been irregularities. I admit to my wrongdoing.”
The books will be handed over to the district education officer, Magistrate Nizamuddin said. The entire matter will be investigated. We will recommend departmental action against those who are responsible for the incident.”